Friday, April 12, 2013

How Etobicoke Plumbing Services Can Save You Money

When most people think of hiring a plumber, they only think about the short-term cost of paying for the work. What usually isn't considered is the long-term savings in time and money that maintaining a plumbing system can bring. A leaky faucet leaking a single drop of water per second will use over a thousand litres of water in a year. A runny toilet can use twice that amount. Older toilets can use a lot more water than necessary per flush cycle. Having an Etobicoke plumbing contractor assess your home's plumbing and make suggestions for conservation is a great way to save money for years to come.

Retrofitting and Conducting Plumbing Repairs

Obviously, if you have any leaky faucets, pipes, or shower-heads, these should be dealt with immediately. As we stated above, these can use thousands of litres of water per year. If you pay for water by the gallon, such leaks could be costing you serious money. Most times, all that's required to fix a leak is to replace a seal or tighten a screw or nut. Occasionally, more in-depth repairs will need to be made. A leaky toilet may be the product of a faulty flapper valve, or a deficient valve seat.

Making repairs should be the first item on your plumbing to-do checklist. Get these out of the way as soon as possible to reduce costs and increase water conservation. Conserving is good for the environment, good for your city, and good for your checkbook.

Retrofitting is the process of adapting or modifying older existing systems to use newer and more efficient parts. Showers and toilets are prime candidates for retrofitting, but you don't have to stop there. Hot water heaters can be retrofit, as well as dish washers. Retrofitting a plumbing fixture can reduce its water usage by as much as 50%. ULV (ultra-low volume) toilets and shower-heads will greatly help with water conservation. A plumber can inspect your systems to determine the current water volume usage, and let you know what the best course of action would be.

Plumbing Adaptations

Adaptations are a low-cost way to improve your water conservation. Installing a low-volume shower head, or some toilet tank water reduction devices such as dams or displacement balloons can cost under ten dollars, and take only minutes. These can transform an old water guzzling device into a more efficient and cheaper way to move water through your home. Going the extra mile and installing some low-volume water pumps will save even more cash. Again, you want to get these done as soon as possible. Every day you put off conservation adaptations or retrofits, you are losing more and more money.

Here we've covered just a few of the ways that caring for your plumbing can save you money. For more advice, contact your local Etobicoke plumbing service – such as the plumbers from Absolute Draining & Plumbing - and have them perform an inspection on your home. A certified plumber has many tools and a lot of experience and training they can use to help you save money. So don't think of plumbing in terms of cost, but rather, think in terms of potential savings and helping the environment as well as yourself. Your plumber will thank you for the work, your pocketbook will thank you for the savings, and you can thank us for the advice.